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Our Services
IT Consulting
We advise and support organizations and private persons for technology businesses to achieve their goals.
Digital Marketing
We can manage digital marketing and advertising projects. Our team have broad experience with Pay-per-click, email marketing, and social media.
Software Development
Our developers have multi layer experience in difference source of programming. We can support from documentation, testing and up to the releasing softwares for your clients.
Network and Server Management
Currently, we have work relation ship with more than 200 data centers and network providers. We find the best location, network carriers and data centers for your project and manage all your network for you.
Secure Communication Systems
We provide encrypted secure data exchange routes for your corporate locations or users. So no one, hackers or governemnts can not intercept your data.
Digital Service Management
We can manage any type of digital service projects from building, growing, support to sales and billing. We provide total digital asset management by our highly experienced IT and business team.
Cakinberk Telekom has been the most valuable business partner for our projects. They manage all our IT and marketing for our business. - Piotr Pacholski, SimpleTelly

About Us
Cakinberk Telekom is an digital project management and marketing company.
We're managing and growing high-quality services and creating innovative products that bring our clients ahead of the competition. Cakinberk Telekom's infrastructure spans more than 100 countries with services reaching to over 1 million users globally.